Numerical Module

class riccipy.numerical.NumericalArray(args, array, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Class for representing an array of symbolic expressions as lambdified functions.

Calling instances of this class will result in the evaluation of a lambda function that returns a numerically valued array representing the results of the individual component expressions.

Furthermore, instances may also be used to access specific components in a manner identical to accessing the components of an numpy array.

riccipy.numerical.lambdify_tensor(args, expr, idxs=None, **kwargs)

Generate a numerical array representation for the result of a tensor expression.

When the tensor expression passed results in an instance of ~sympy.Array, a NumericalArray object is returned. A NumericalArray can be used to access lambda functions for either the array as a whole or for individual components. See the example below.

  • args ((list, tuple)) – Iterable of ~sympy.Symbol objects that specifcy the order of the arguments for the lambda functions that will be generated.
  • expr ((TensExpr, Expr)) – The tensor expression to be lambdified. If this is an ordinary expression this function defaults to ~sympy.lambdify.
  • idxs ((list, tuple)) – Iterable of Index objects to specify the indices for the result of expr.


>>> from sympy import diag, sin, symbols
>>> from riccipy import Metric, lambdify_tensor, indices
>>> t, r, th, ph = symbols('t r theta phi', real=True)
>>> schw = diag(1-1/r, -1/(1-1/r), -r**2, -r**2*sin(th)**2)
>>> g = Metric('g', (t, r, th, ph), schw)
>>> mu, nu = indices('mu nu', g)
>>> narr = lambdify_tensor((r, th), g(-mu,-nu))
>>> narr(2, 0)
array([[ 0.5,  0. ,  0. ,  0. ],
       [ 0. , -2. ,  0. ,  0. ],
       [ 0. ,  0. , -4. ,  0. ],
       [ 0. ,  0. ,  0. , -0. ]])
>>> narr[0,0]
<function _lambdifygenerated at 0x...>
>>> narr[0,0](2, 0)